In-Home Hospice Care

What is Animal Hospice Care?

Animal hospice care is in-home, professionally provided by veterans specialist and technician that can care for pets. Paws4 life hospice program provides your pet with stress free and pain free relief from terminal and critical illness. More and more people are choosing this type of care as a open and love option for their pets at the end stage of their lives. we are concentrating on keeping the pet comfortable and offering them the best quality of life possible, while supporting the family and offering guidance on their pet’s continued care. Hospice care allows pets and their families to remain together at home during this precious time and avoid stressful repeat visits to the veterinary hospital. Hospice for dogs and cats focuses on caring, not curing.

What is the hospice experience like?

Once a critical illness has been diagnosed, it is time to discuss and review how everyone will want to proceed with care. You should determine your support team who will be able to help, who can dedicate time to the pet’s care, and what financial resources are available. See if you have pet insurance to cover most of your expenses. Animal hospice care focuses on bringing comfort and tranquility to your pet in the final stages of their life. It is chosen when a family decided that painful therapies would no longer be in the best interests of their pet.
To paws4 life. Our hospice care to the unique needs of each pet and we work closely with each family to accommodate a comfortable setting and individual care plan that fits their needs. Each situation is a bit different, as each pet is unique. The care plan may involve medications to relieve pain and nausea, fluid therapy and nutritional guidance. A benefit of in-home visits allows us to offer suggestions to improve the pet’s immediate surroundings. It may also involve Acupuncture, which is effective in reducing pain, stimulating appetite and immune function and improving the pet’s overall sense of wellbeing. The length of time a pet spends in hospice care depends on the individual pet, and may vary between days and months.

Assisting a Natural Death

If you chose to wait for a natural death, hospice care is critical to prevent suffering by managing the pain and to meet the pet’s needs right up to the end. This level of hospice care is very involved and will take great dedication from everyone in the home. It can be a profound and beautiful experience to guide your pet along the transition between life and death.

Choosing Euthanasia

If you choose euthanasia, we will help your family identify the signs that will indicate the time has come. The hospice care time will be reduced, but the level of care will remain high. Euthanasia can be chosen at any time you believe your pet is no longer responding to their medications and treatments.

What hospice care have at Paws 4 life to provide?

Our pet hospice care is designed to provide your loved one with a personalized care plan that is right for both you and your pet. Our doctors are here to help you and your pet’s bond remain strong during this difficult time. We strive to make your pet’s final days comfortable and we will be a stable resource for you, assisting in anyway we can as you begin this transitional time. Our doctors will provide the following guidance which may include many of the following:

  • Pain Management/Palliative Care
  • Oral medications
  • Injectable medication
  • Instruction on how to administer your pet’s medication
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage and/or physical therapy
  • Information on disease progression and crisis management
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Providing a proper diet
  • Fluid therapy
  • Supplements/vitamins
  • Wound Care
  • Cleaning and managing wounds
  • Antibiotics
  • Prevention
  • Household Modifications
  • Temporary ramps, carpet runners
  • Pet doors, bed placement, etc.
  • Reducing environmental stressors
  • Mental Stimulation
  • Appropriate toys
  • Play dates
  • Attention from family and friends
  • Information on disease progression and crisis management
  • Help in deciding when the time might be right for euthanasia
  • Aftercare options and Grief Support
  • Around the clock nurses at home

How much does Pet Hospice care cost?

Because every pet’s needs are unique, please call us for service pricing. We can arrange for single visit pricing or develop a more comprehensive plan that is right for you.


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